Friday, August 28, 2009

Hosea 3

This short chapter gives a tall order. Love the unfaithful and bring the adulteress back into your home. And Hosea does it. Wow. But such a tremendous object lesson. We can relate to the pain and heartbreak that Hosea would live with. But this is how our unfaithfulness to God must feel too.

I love the prophecy here though. Israel does indeed go through years of no real established government or temple worship or priesthood. Not until Jesus' lifetime did God use the wicked foreigner Herod to rebuild the temple and restore proper worship. It came 20 years before his arrival and was destroyed (as He predicted) less than 40 years after His ascension. But during this time, God sent the real One who would restore Israel's relationship to God.

Lord, I don't think I meditate on Your great goodness and faithfulness enough. You are so gracious and kind. You are so loving and strong. Thank you for buying me back when my heart was far from you and I was chasing fulfillment elsewhere. You alone are good.


Bea said...

How thankful I am for a GOD WHO LOVES US THROUGH ALL OUR MESSES. What a Savior!!!