Friday, October 9, 2009

Acts 23

Throughout this chapter Paul keeps taking hits from every side. But God keeps him alive. Maybe not safe or unharmed, but alive. Why? Because God's purpose for him was in Rome. He had more to do for God. I don't know what all of this violence and drama had to be a part of his story. Certainly God could have delivered Paul to Rome in a variety of other ways. But God is sovereign. He is in control. Like Francis Chan quoted, "This is God's universe. He does things His way. You may have a better way, but you don't have a universe."

I have given up ever thinking I have a better way. His ways are higher. He will accomplish whatever He pleases no matter how men may try to interfere. I cannot worry that people will somehow foil His plans.


Bea said...

YEP! I agree---I have given up trying to figure it all out or pretend to know all the 'whys', but I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW----HE IS ABLE!!!!! That is enough for me as it was for Paul and the rest of the goys. No one will foil HIS plan---that is comforting, even when we can't see around the corner.