Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Psalm 129

I wonder what scenery inspired these analogies. I wonder if, while they were parading to Jerusalem they were overlooking fields and housetops. Sometimes I can get really caught up into symbolism. foreshadowing, and meaning in each chapter. But lots of times, I think the writing is simply a historical perspective of how things were at that time.

The bottom line however, is that the LORD is righteous. And when you feel oppressed or held back or beaten down or on hold, He is still there with His all-powerful righteousness. He holds all of the power that we needs in His arms. In Malachi 4:2 it says, "But for you who revere His name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings..." That's a good picture to me of the kinds of huge reserves of righteousness He has to bring to all of us, just as rays of sunlight touch all of our faces around the world every day.

Let's presume upon His goodness and call for His righteousness to dawn upon us today.


Bea said...

Beautiful picture of His awesomeness!! I am forever thankful that He is always there--in the good times and the challenges.