Friday, October 30, 2009

Psalm 132

Seriously, how often do you marvel at the wonder of the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. Picture King David centuries before, writing lyrics for a new worship song. He's totally talking about his own life, his own city, and his own words from God that he considered to his won personal family. And yet, there was the breath of God, His Holy Spirit inspiring what he was writing. It is laced with Messianic messages. What a wonder. What an incredible colossal galactic orchestration of history. All to send us Jesus, the anointed one from the house of David. The horn of strength that will rise out of Jerusalem. The Mighty One of Israel.

Do you marvel that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, and inspired dozens of writers to bring us His Word, lives in you? That breath of power flows through me today because He raised Christ from the dead. Oh, LORD, I will not enter my house or go to my bed, or lay down to close my eyelids until I have made my heart a temple, a home for your presence. Come Spirit, come.


Bea said...

Amen! Can't say it any better----