Saturday, October 31, 2009

Psalm 133

OK all of the oily beards and dew and stuff don't really connect with me. But it's amazing how much the living together in unity thing has come up. I just read the essay on Community in Blue Like Jazz today as a matter of fact and it was about how Donald Miller's pastor insisted that he move from his home in the country all by himself to live with 4 other roommates. His time of being subjected by force to togetherness led to spiritual renewal and life change in him. I have nothing to add to his opening comments:

Before I loved in community, I thought faith, mine being the Christian faith, was something a person did alone, like monks in caves. I thought the backbone of faith was time alone with God, time reading ancient texts and meditating on poetry or the precepts of natural law and, perhaps, when a person gets good and godly, levitating potted plants or pitchers of water.

It seems that way in books. ... It was all stuff you did in a quiet room. ... I hadn't seen a single book (outside the majority of the books of the New Testament) that addressed a group of people or advise a community with advice about faith.

Anyway, my brain has been on complete overload for the past couple of days surrounding the supernatural power of God's love. And you flat out can't experience it all by yourself. Sure you can know God loves you. But until God loves through you, you really can't feel the buzz. (It's like getting shocked. It doesn't matter how many volts you touch as long as they don't flow through you. ) So right now, I want to feel full-on electrocuted.


Bea said...

Yep Faith works by love, and you must love everyone, even the unlovely--at church, work and in the line at Walmart. The challenge of the Word of God is in the DOING!!