Saturday, November 21, 2009

2 Peter 1

I know I already wrote about this chapter and I'm supposed to be going through Hebrews but, as a new friend on Twitter said, "Francis Chan just ripped my face off. Someone tell God I get it so He can stop the 2x4 beating."

But I really want to share a math equation he broke down for us out of this chapter. First of all he said that if you  work towards success instead of character, you'll end up with neither. Bam. That hurt.

Next the broke down verses 5-9 like this. First make every effort to add to your faith:
+ Faith
+ Goodness
+ Knowledge
+ Self-control
+ Perseverance
+ Godliness
+ Brotherly kindness
+ Love
= effectiveness, fruitfulness, and success.

Gotta go worship now. Shane and Shane are on. :)